Planetary Poetics
Framer Framed is happy to host the temporary Master’s programme at Sandberg Instituut.

Planetary Poetics
Beginning in September 2023, this two-year programme enables participants to develop artistic research exploring key concepts of the ecological crisis, including questions of climate justice, land restitution and reparations, reproductive justice, and constellations of co-resistance.
The programme intends to connect different social ecologies across the globe and experiment with new possibilities of collective imagination, creation and intervention. For more information, visit the Sandberg Instituut programme page and check back here for updates!
Sandberg Instituut Amsterdam
Fred. Roeskestraat 98Contact: planetarypoetics@sandberg.nl1076 ED Amsterdam
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The Acknowledgment of Loss, Listening to the Amazon Forest
Talk and screening of short films exploring the (im)possibilites of cultural translation and ancestral knowledge in the Amazon.

Counter-extractivism: Poetics of remedy and transmission
A closing event for cultural practitioner Jean-Sylvain Tshilumba Mukendi’s seminar on politics and extractivism at the Planetary Poetics master's programme at the Sandberg Institute

Workshop: Maintaining the Root
Three workshops and a performance on heritage by artist Sarah Ndele as part of the Planetary Poetics master's programme at the Sandberg Insitute

Performance: Moddertong
A performance by artist Sebastién Hendrickx about the climate crisis
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Planetary Poetics: a two-year Masters programme

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