About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Become a Framer Framed Friend

…and keep visual arts accessible to all!

Friends receive:
– Access to exclusive previews of exhibitions
– Curator tours and meet & greets with artists
– A cotton bag designed by InnaVisions
– First opportunity to buy limited edition works

Total: € -
By continuing you agree to our General Terms & Conditions.

Other ways of contributing

If you, or your organisation/company, support Framer Framed’s ideas, and you would like to contribute more, or in a different way, we would love to hear from you. For a (non-committal) conversation, please contact info@framerframed.nl

Cultural ‘ANBI’ status

Did you know that donating to a Cultural ANBI offers significant tax benefits? A special extra gift deduction applies, as opposed to regular ANBI’s. Read more on the Dutch government tax website, belastingdienst.nl.

A note on payments

Payments are processed through Mollie Payments as a payment service provider. In our exhibition space, you can also fill out a physical payment form with your IBAN bank account.

Other questions?

Please contact us via friends@framerframed.nl if you have any questions, we are happy to answer them for you!