About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed


Contact Information


Linnaeusstraat 2

NL-1090 HA Amsterdam


+31 20 5688 500



The Tropenmuseum is one of Europe’s leading ethnographic museums, renowned for its collection. The permanent and temporary exhibitions display (art) objects, photographs, music and film from non-western cultures.

The Tropenmuseum is part of the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), a knowledge institute for international and intercultural collaboration. In view of its historic roots as a colonial institute and museum and given its expertise in the field of culture, cultural preservation and exchange is one of KIT’s key tasks, both domestically and internationally. The Institute carries out cultural programmes across the world, aimed at protecting cultural heritage and enhancing cultural exchange. These programmes focus on institutional and capacity building, and on advice with regard to cultural policy. In the Netherlands, the emphasis lies on contributing to the knowledge and understanding of different cultures, and on increasing public support for international and development cooperation. In this respect, the Tropenmuseum, Tropenmuseum Junior and the Tropentheater are key departments.