About the part that art plays in a globalising society

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The Reading Room (Nomadic)

The Reading Room emerged as an event series taking place bi-monthly at Stroom Den Haag between 2015-2018 and was organised by Jonathan Reus, Sissel Marie Tonn and Flora Reznik. Currently, it exists as a nomadic format, shape-shifting into new contexts where collective study might provide useful insights.
The Reading Room is a nomadic event series dedicated to creating a community-oriented, public platform for encounters with contemporary ideas on art and society. At its core, The Reading Room series revolves around the reading of texts provided by invited guests – artists, scientists, scholars and curators – who join our diverse community in an open discussion while providing context and perspective. The series stems from a belief that keeping a close connection across disciplinary boundaries in the arts, sciences and humanities, through historical and emerging theories on culture and society is invaluable to developing a grounded practice. Especially in the 21st century, where theory, practice and social responsibility merge ever more seamlessly.
The Reading Room is organized across different times and geographies by artist-researchers Sissel Marie Tonn, Jonathan Reus and Flora Reznik, and was originally supported through generous financial assistance from the artist initiative iii and Stroom Den Haag, both based in The Hague.