About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed



Casco is an experimental platform where art invites a new vision of society. Art and the Commons are two key practices for Casco Art Institute. We see them as both tools and visions for better ways of living together. Casco Art Institute works for this vision of art and the commons by creating a space, or “Casco” meaning in Dutch a space of basic structure for change, for co-exploration and study with collective art projects as well as organizational experiments.

Casco co-develops collective art projects out of critical questions and radical imagination. They are process-based and place-specific, forming community and together generating art and knowledge as common resources. Organizational experiments take place with all of these projects, including Casco Art Institute itself. Casco dreams of offering an example of a commonly desirable institution of art and the commons that embodies diversity, equity, pluralism, and sustainability. All of the collective art projects and organizational processes Casco engages in are open to active participation from anyone who shares values around the commons and responsibility.