About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

An image of linocut artist Sophia Pekowsky

Sophia Pekowsky

Sophia Pekowsky is a creative program coordinator passionate about using linocut printing as a tool for reflection, research, and activism. She has led the weekly lino group at De Voorkamer Community Center in Utrecht for the past year and has collaborated on lino workshops with activist groups and institutions such as the Centraal Museum, Wageningen University, Utrecht Students for Free Palestine, End Fossil Fuel Utrecht, and the Food Autonomy Festival. She is originally from the U.S. (Boston, Massachusetts) but has lived in the Netherlands since 2020 when she began her Master’s Degree in Gender Studies at Utrecht University. Her thesis used linocut printing as an art-based research method to investigate the experiences and perceptions of the postpartum period. She currently works as a program coordinator at the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) Amsterdam and co-creates activist projects related to textiles in the Crafting Resistance Collective.


Workshop: Linocut Printmaking – Tanah Merdeka
Co-creating a lino print poster with Sophia Pekowsky & Ilya Genov to reflect on transnational solidarity and land struggles