About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Photo of Rodrigo Martins

Rodrigo Martins

Rodrigo Martins (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1988) lives and works in Rio de Janeiro. Since graduating in design at PUC-Rio, Martins has produced multiple solo exhibitions, including A Floresta de Barong, Quadra (2021) in Rio de Janeiro and Cabeças, Bichos e Plantas, Central Galeria (2019) in São Paulo. In 2014, he won first place on the EDP in Arts award from Instituto Tomie Ohtake (São Paulo, Brazil).

Rodrigo Martins is one of the artists of the exhibition The Silence of Tired Tongues (2022) curated by Raphael Fonseca which takes place from 24 April to 21 August 2022 at Framer Framed, Amsterdam.


Image for the exhibition The silence of tired tongues at Framer Framed

Exhibition: The Silence of Tired Tongues

Contemporary Art & Brazil
