Raphael Fonseca
Raphael Fonseca researches curation, art history, art critique and education, and holds a PhD in Critic and Art History at State University of Rio de Janeiro. Since 2021, he works as associate curator of modern and contemporary Latin American art at the Denver Art Museum, in the USA. He worked as a curator at MAC Niterói – Contemporary Art Museum of Niterói, Brazil from 2017 to 2020. He is part of the curatorial team of the next edition of the SESC_VIdeobrasil Biennale alongside Renée Akitelek Mboya and Solange Farkas, which will open in 2023. Since 2020, he has also been developing the project “1 curadorx, 1 hora” (1 curator, 1 hour), in which he interviews curators from different generations and regions of the world who are united by their mutual connections to Brazil.
Fonseca’s recent curatorial projects include The Silence of Tired Tongues (2022) at Framer Framed, Amsterdam; Raio-que-o-parta: fictions of modern in Brazil (2022) in SESC 24 de Maio, São Paulo; Sweat (2021) in Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany; and To-and-fro (2019) in Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, São Paulo, Brazil. Alongside such projects, Fonseca writes regularly for artists, institutions and publications, and has been the recipient of a number of awards, including the Marcantonio Vilaça Curatorial Award (2015) and the Centro Cultural São Paulo Curatorial Award (2017).
Raphael Fonseca will curate the fourteenth Mercosur Biennial. The Porto Alegre exhibition, considered in the top tier of Brazil’s art events, will open in September 2024.

Opening ‘The Silence of Tired Tongues‘ (2022), Curator Raphael Fonseca and artists © Maarten Nauw / Framer Framed
An Interview with Raphael Fonseca
- Metropolis M - in conversation with curator Raphael Fonseca
- VPRO Bureau Buitenland - Stille kunst uit Brazilië
- Personal website of Raphael Fonseca