About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Nat Muller, courtesy of the artist.

Nat Muller

Nat Muller is an independent curator and critic, based in The Netherlands and working internationally. She holds an MA in Gender Theory from the University of Sussex, UK. At Framer Framed, Muller has been a guest speaker and moderator for many public programs. Her main interests include the intersections of aesthetics, media and politics, media art, and contemporary art in and from the Middle East.

Muller is a regular contributor to Springerin and MetropolisM, and has previously been published in, amongst others, Bidoun, ArtAsiaPacific, Art Papers, Canvas, X-tra, The Majalla, Art Margins, De Volkskrant and Harper’s Bazaar Arabia. She is currently editorial correspondent for Abraaz. Moreover, she has written numerous catalogue and monographic essays on artists from the Middle East.  She has taught at universities and academies in The Netherlands, across the rest of Europe, and the Middle East, and is a member of and advisor to several art committees, including the Mondrian Fund (NL) and the Fund for Creative Industries and e-Culture (NL).

After curating many successful exhibitions, Nat Muller was appointed curator of the exhibition with work of Larissa Sansour in the Danish pavilion on the Venice Biennale 2019. She was appointed guest curator for the A.M.Qattan 2016 Young Artist of the Year Award for Palestinian artists that opened at Qalandiya International in Ramallah, Palestine in 2016 and The Mosaic Rooms in London in 2017. Muller has been nominated for amongst others the Prix Pictet Award, the V&A Jameel Art Prize, the Visible Award and the Paul Huf Photography award. Additionally, she is an AHRC Midlands3Cities-funded PhD student at Birmingham City University working on science fiction in contemporary visual practices in the Middle East.


Undercurrents: Art/Production/Mobility/...
A program by Hotel Maria Kapel in collaboration with Framer Framed.
Seminar: Tracing migration through textiles
Hosted at Framer Framed, curated by Christel Vesters as part of the long-term project Touch/Trace.
Book launch: Sadik Kwaish Alfraji
Edited by curator and critic Nat Muller.
Program surrounding the Crisis of History #3 exhibition
During the exhibition Crisis of History #3 - Beyond History there will be a special event on every Tuesday night with film screenings, lectures and guided tours.
