About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Mariska ter Horst

Mariska ter Horst is a Leiden art history graduate student due to receive a Master’s diploma in Museum Curating from Free University Amsterdam, ter Horst had completed a one-year-long curatorial traineeship at the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam. While working for Centraal Museum in Utrecht ter Horst had organized a conference Onbegrensd Verzamelen, 2009 (Collecting Without Borders) in collaboration with various Dutch art and cultural institutions, for which she has also completed the reader. Since early 2010 ter Horst has been assistant curator at October Gallery, London. Mariska ter Horst is the editor of the Changing Perspectives: Dealing with Globalisation in the Presentation and Collection of Contemporary Art (KIT Publishers 2012).


Book launch: Changing Perspectives & UNFIXED
Two upcoming publications give an impression of the current debate on globalisation and diversity in contemporary art.
Collecting without Borders
Ethnographic, historical and art museums in dialogue on collecting and presenting global art.
