About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Hito Steyerl | Photo: Trevor Paglen

Hito Steyerl

Hito Steyerl is professor for experimental film and video and the co-founder of the Research Center for Proxy Politics at the Berlin University of the Arts. She studied cinematography and documentary film in Tokyo and Munich and wrote her doctoral thesis at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. Her research focuses on media, technology and the distribution of images. In her texts, performances and essayist documentary films Hito Steyerl deals with postcolonial criticism and feminist criticism of representational logic. She works at the intersections of visual art and film as well as theory and practice.

Her numerous works have been exhibited at the most prominent global art institutions, such as the Venice Biennale, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles and the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Hito is one of the participating artists of the exhibition From what will we reassemble ourselves (2020)conceived by Anna Dasović and curated by Natasha Marie Llorens at Framer Framed, Amsterdam.

In addition to her work as an artist she was a lecturer at the Center for Cultural Studies at the Goldsmith College in London and a guest professor at the Royal Academy of Copenhagen and the Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki. The Royal College of Art, London, honored her in 2016 with an “Honorary Doctorate”.

Hito Steyerl blends aspects of documentary with the film essay to explore globalisation, political economies, visual culture, and the status of art production. Through her writing practice, films, and performative lectures, Hito Steyerl considers the status of the image in an increasingly global and technological world. A particular theme of the Berlin-based artist’s work is the proliferation of images and how they inscribe and affect economy and culture on both a macro and micro scale.


Exhibition: From what will we reassemble ourselves

A group exhibition conceived by Anna Dasović and curated by Natasha Marie Llorens
