Georges Harry Rouzier
Georges Harry Rouzier (1984) initially studied architecture but later devoted himself to photography. He collaborates with the press and international NGO’s. Founder of FOTOPAKLE, he lives in Port-au-Prince. His work on the Haitian-Dominican frontier was presented at Limoges and at the Photoreporter Festival.
Georges Harry Rouzier is a member of Kolektif 2 Dimansyon (K2D), a group of Haitian journalists, photographers and filmmakers created in October 2014. He is one of the authors of the project: KAZAL, Mémoires d’un massacre sous Duvalier: Une approche photographique (2019, Port-au-Prince, Haiti). The photographic research project and publication are the inspiration for the Framer Framed exhibition KAZAL – Narrating Haitian Memories, for which Georges Harry Rouzier is a participating artist. The exhibition, curated by Nicola Lo Calzo, takes place from 27 May to 21 August 2022 at Framer Framed, Amsterdam.
- Biography of Georges Rouzier
- Website of the KAZAL photography project
- Website of Kolektif 2 Dimansyon