Candy Choi
Candy Choi is the founder of Young Blood Initiative (YBI), an art organisation, a platform, a community, a collective. Young Blood Initiative aims to showcase collaborative practice, creating a community where artists can explore other ways to create, acting as a platform where they can experiment to go outside of their usual practice and to play. Since launching in 2014, Young Blood Initiative has brought to the public showcases themed around current affairs, fusing different creative disciplines through art exhibitions, live art events, lectures and public interventions.
As a curator and multi-disciplinary creative, Candy Choi has a background in fashion as an art form where she has worked in Paris and London Fashion Weeks. During the years living in Amsterdam, she turned her focus to art and curating, founded The Vinyl Art Project – a sound-art focused project and later in 2014 Young Blood Initiative – an art platform and organisation for experimentation and collaboration – where she has been curating exhibitions and public programmes in Amsterdam, London and Berlin. She has initiated and directed more than ten exhibitions and art projects for Young Blood Initiative since then. Meanwhile, from 2015, Candy Choi worked with art foundation Mediamatic where she worked as the curator of Kunstformen der Natur exhibition at Radboud UMC Nijmegen as well as the Mediamatic Dining Room. In the past few years, she has travelled to Korea and Finland to work with local artists and art spaces as well. She now resides in Riga, Latvia.