About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Foto: Claudia Kamergorodski

Brieuc-Yves Cadat-Lampe

Brieuc-Yves (Mellouki) Cadat-Lampe is a political scientist. He is a senior consultant for Client Participation and Democratic Innovation at Movisie, the national knowledge institute for a coherent approach to social issues. His main focus is on inclusive citizenship. Between 2019 and 2023 Cadat-Lampe was a board member of the Foundation Framer Framed.

Mellouki has lived in the Indische Buurt, Amsterdam for 20 years. He supports numerous (cultural) neighborhood initiatives in Amsterdam East and has a large network there. He is currently a board member of the Buurtmuseum Indische Buurt and the Framer Framed foundation.

Publications (in Dutch):
Mellouki is standing at the Jewish cemetery Zeeburg in Amsterdam. The place where poor Jews were buried until 1914. This place reminds him of Saïd & Lody. Why? This he will explain in this vlog.

Wij in de Wijk 4: Werken aan sociale samenhang in buurten en wijken (september 2022).

Handreiking Geef ruimte voor discriminatie (maart 2022).

Photo: Claudia Kamergorodski