About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Benedito Ferreira - 'Despertáculo (2022), 'The Silence of Tired Tongues' (2021) © Maarten Nauw / Framer Framed

Benedito Ferreira

Benedito Ferreira (Itapuranga, Brazil, 1989) is a visual artist and researcher who lives and works in Goiânia, Brazil. His artistic investigations are centred on the image as writing, the poetics of archives, filmic montages and the erasure of limits between ‘document’ and ‘fiction’. Ferreira works on filmmaking, objects, installations and photography, without any hierarchies.

In recent years, he collaborated with institutions such as the Museum of Contemporary Art of Goiás (MAC GO), the Circle of Plastic Arts of Coimbra (Portugal), The Room Projects (France), Art Space BLECH for Contemporary Art (Germany) and Czong Institute for Contemporary Art (South Korea). His work is part of the collection of the Contemporary Art Museum of Jataí (Brazil), the Pinacoteca Municipal Miguel Dutra São Paulo (Brazil) and the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision. Benedito was awarded the Rumos Itaú Cultural Award (2019-2020). He graduated in filmmaking at the State University of Goiás, and holds a Master’s Degree in Art and Visual Culture at the Federal University of Goiás. He is a PhD student in Arts at the State University of Rio de Janeiro.

Benedito Ferreira is one of the artists of the exhibition The Silence of Tired Tongues (2022) curated by Raphael Fonseca which takes place from 24 April to 21 August 2022 at Framer Framed, Amsterdam.


Image for the exhibition The silence of tired tongues at Framer Framed

Exhibition: The Silence of Tired Tongues

Contemporary Art & Brazil


Opening: The Silence of Tired Tongues
With Julia Arbex, Aline Baiana, Arthur Chaves, Vitória Cribb, Benedito Ferreira, Estêvão Parreiras, Luana Vitra & Raphael Fonseca
