Akiq AW
Akiq Abdul Wahid was born in 1976 in the city of Kediri, East Java. He is known as an artist and a curator. His artistic work consists of mostly photographs. In his work he frequently explores themes surrounding the everyday life of human beings, combined with how technological developments affects this daily life. Currently he is actively involved as a member of MES 56, a visual art collective.
The text in his work on the Pentagonal Icositetrahedron by Akiq AW is a quote from the book Perjuangan Kita (‘Our Struggle’), written by Sutan Syahrir (Indonesia’s rst prime minister). The image shows a relief that was ordered by ABRI/TNI (the Indonesian army under Suharto) in the new order period, to visually explain the role of the army in Indonesian struggles. As Akiq AW often does in his work, he juxtaposes text and image from different historical periods and contrasting political views – in this case, a propaganda image by Suharto with a text by anti-colonial independence fighter Syahrir. At first glance, text and image appear to fit together, but a closer look reveals that they are actually opposing one another.
For Pressing Matters Akiq AW also makes a new commissioned work using the same format, in which he highlights the hypocrisy between the stance of the Indonesian government towards Papua, and what is written in the Constitution of Indonesia.