The living archive / Contested Heritage / Palestine / Podcast /
Podcast: RIWAQ - Safeguarding Heritage in Times of Destruction
CICC / Ecology / Art and Activism /
![Annelys Devet](https://framerframed.nl/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/DSC_1185-695x464.jpg)
Art and Activism / Palestine /
Disarming design from Palestine at Framer Framed
![Thuis in de Molenwijk - Werkplaats Molenwijk](https://framerframed.nl/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/IMG_4054-2-695x463.jpg)
Photography / Community & Learning / Migration / Molenwijk /
Photography project: At Home in Molenwijk
Performance / Amsterdam Oost / Iran / Political Climate /
Cat Smits’ thought-provoking puppetry will be part of our Museum Night
![We Sell Reality](https://framerframed.nl/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Framer-Framed-opening-Powerplay-–-Deals-All-Over-083-low-res-695x463.jpg)
Migration / Amsterdam Oost /
Art as a weapon against injustice
Molenwijk / Community & Learning / Residencies /
Bert Scholten is the new resident of Werkplaats Molenwijk
Citizenship / Collectives / Community & Learning / Art and Activism /
How collective We Sell Reality sheds light on Europe'se failing refugee policy
CICC / Ecology /
The Intergenerational Climate Crimes Act
Bookshop Selection / CICC /
Bookshop selection: What's Wrong with Rights? Social Movements, Law and Liberal Imaginations
Open Atelier / Community & Learning /