20 Sep –
20 Oct 2024
Exhibition: Moving Rurality by Peng Zhang
From 20 September to 20 October 2024, Framer Framed presents Moving Rurality, a new installation by artist Peng Zhang, as part of the manifestation Het Gedeeld Domein, organised by Public Art Amsterdam. The exhibition Moving Rurality takes the form of a mobile garden, a living artwork cultivated on site that shifts inside and out of the exhibition space.
In his recent practice as a farmer-artist, Peng Zhang turns towards the earth and utilises soil as his canvas. By working the land, he creates patterns, textures and shapes, both with the soil and sprouting vegetables. Zhang creates a landscape, formalised not with paint and brush, but with and within the earth. He looks back at rural traditions, examining the ever-changing nature of the land, while considering farming in a broader social and communal context.
Zhang attempts to capture the poeticism of daily life, while reflecting on memories of rural life in his home village in the south of China. The work also offers a dynamic case study grounding the discussions on public art that take place during the symposium Het Gedeeld Domein at Framer Framed on 20 September.
Public Art Amsterdam is a collaboration between the Amsterdam art institutions Amsterdam Museum, The Beach, CBK Zuidoost, Oude Kerk, Stichting NDSM, Framer Framed and Zone2Source. From 20 September to 20 October, we will organise thematic presentations, screenings, tours and performances as part of the manifestation Het Gedeeld Domein. The manifestation takes off on 20 September at Framer Framed with the symposium and the presentation of Zhang’s Moving Rurality.
Visit Framer Framed from 20 September to 20 October during regular opening hours to view Moving Rurality. Sign up for the symposium on 20 September here.
This event is in English and free of charge. Donations are welcome.
This event may be photographed and filmed. Please let us know in advance if you prefer not to have your picture taken.
Public Art Amsterdam is a collaboration between Amsterdam Museum, The Beach, CBK Zuidoost, Oude Kerk, Stichting NDSM, Framer Framed and Zone2Source.
Het Gedeeld Domein is supported by Gemeente Amsterdam, Stadscuratorium Amsterdam and Het Cultuurfonds.
Framer Framed is supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science; Amsterdam Fund for the Arts; Municipality of Amsterdam; and VriendenLoterij Fonds.
- Public Art Amsterdam
Ecology / Art in Public Space /
Symposium: Het Gedeeld Domein
Symposium on the place of art in the city's scarce shared space, organised by Public Art Amsterdam and Stadscuratorium Amsterdam