30 Jul –
8 Sep 2021
Public Space Installation: QUEER
Framer Framed will have a special entrance during August!
Starting from the 30th July, the word QUEER will be written in large scale on the ground at Oranje-Vrijstaatkade in front of Framer Framed and will stay there for 6 weeks to stimulate conversation about queerness in the public realm.
QUEER by United Painting – Video: (c) Seven Halsema
The characters will be painted collectively together with artist collective United Painting and communities Framer Framed works with. By forming words with letters this big in a public space, the meaning of the words is emphasized and while painting the meaning of the word is discussed and reflected upon. The painting sessions will take place from 26th to 29th of July (10:30 – 15:30) and installation will open on the 30th July, together with the colourful exhibition Proud Aliens by Framer Framed’s Open Atelier. The exhibition Proud Aliens (2021) coincides with Amsterdam Pride and was made in collaboration with i-psy Arts, Queer Currents and Framer Framed.
The pattern toolkit is designed by Marije Lytske Hester. Photo: Gijs Stork
United Painting is a collective, focuses on creating social impact by utilising large-scale artworks in the public realm; always in cooperation with a range of artists and designers and in collaboration with local organisations. From the favelas in Rio de Janeiro, underprivileged areas in Philadelphia, and refugee camps in Lesbos, United Painting is a continuously growing network of projects and participants creating a worldwide snowball effect.
Queer Currents is an events platform that brings more content and culture to Queerness. Started in 2018, the first annual edition was held in 2019. Queer Currents is an annual program on 15 days and 15 locations, with events, lectures, film, expo, dance, and music on 15 Queer topics. The goal is to bring more diverse and inclusive, relevant content, culture and art to the Pride Amsterdam weeks. Check the program of Queer Currents for 2021 from the LINK!
Open Atelier
The Open Atelier focuses on people with a migration background who need creative therapy. The Open Atelier is specialized in intercultural psychiatry (I-Psy). In weekly meetings and guided by artists, visual therapists, psychotherapists and people from the art world, participants can work on their artistic and mental development. The concept of an Open Atelier is inspired by the design of ‘Studio Upstairs‘ in London. Suzanne Delshadian, the founder and coordinator of I-Psy, was inspired by the approach: not only a treatment center that provides art as an introspective leisure activity, but also a place where people experience that by creating art, both privately and in public, can develop and change.
- Queer op de kade moet het gesprek over queerness stimuleren
- Website: United Painting
- Queer Currents - Amsterdam
Amsterdam Oost / Community & Learning / Art in Public Space / Open Atelier / Queer /

Exhibition: Proud Aliens
A colourful exhibition by Framer Framed's Open Atelier
Opening: Proud Aliens & QUEER
Exhibition opening of Framer Framed's Open Atelier and a new public installation by United Painting: QUEER

United Painting