The living archive / Contested Heritage / Palestine / Podcast /
Podcast: RIWAQ - Safeguarding Heritage in Times of Destruction
Education / Social Practice / Workshop /
Amsterdam Noord / Diaspora / Food / Molenwijk / Workshop /
Report: How to make an Amsterdam dumpling - Workshop by Anas Chao of Ministry of Dumpling Affairs
/ Art economy /
Framer Framed awarded AFK subsidy 2025-2028
Colonial history / Indonesia / Residencies / Southeast Asia /
Framer Framed in Surabaya – Sensible Past: Of Distances and the Fabrication of the Frame
Curatorial Text / Colonial history / Art and Activism / Politics and technology /
Curatorial Statement: Art and the Battle for Truth
Bookshop Selection / CICC / Subversive Publishing /
From Archiving to Publishing: Framer Framed's 'New Social'
Action Research / Citizenship / Community & Learning /
Z! and Arts of the Working Class: Co-publication of Amsterdam and Berlin street newspapers in collaboration with Framer Framed
Amsterdam Noord / Bookshop Selection / Book Launch / Migration / Molenwijk / Podcast / Residencies /
Podcast: Whale Tears and Mole Tunnels. A Graphic History of the Molenwijk district
Action Research / Citizenship / Community & Learning / Digital commons & democracy /
Framer Framed announces two fellowships on the theory and practice of commoning
Ecology / Action Research / The living archive / Colonial history / Contested Heritage /