About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Planetary Poetics



Counter-extractivism: Poetics of remedy and transmission
A closing event for cultural practitioner Jean-Sylvain Tshilumba Mukendi’s seminar on politics and extractivism at the Planetary Poetics master's programme at the Sandberg Institute
Workshop: Maintaining the Root
Three workshops and a performance on heritage by artist Sarah Ndele as part of the Planetary Poetics master's programme at the Sandberg Insitute
Performance: Moddertong
A performance by artist Sebastién Hendrickx about the climate crisis
Planetary Poetics: Ancestral Assemblage
A gathering by artist Ismal Muntaha and Planetary Poetics
A Harvest for All: Notes on Biodiversity and Medicine
A conversation between Milena Bonilla & Taita Hernando Chindoy