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Symposium: Roundtable 2012 - The Challenges Facing Museums on-site and online in the 21st Century (23 maart 2012) National Gallery of Ireland

Symposium The Challenges facing Museums on-site and online in the 21st Century

This event will seek to bring together fresh views on the subject, together with including some issues that arose at the Symposium Future Forecasting (2011). The results of a survey Key Trends in Museums of the Future undertaken in 2011 by a research group of the Learning Museum Network Project will be presented and discussed. A keynote address: “What will the Museum of the Future be like?” will be given by David Anderson, Director General, National Museum Wales.

Who is it for?
The roundtable involves everyone working, guiding, tutoring, interning, volunteering, in museums, the arts, culture and heritage sector and any of the associated cultural industries. Anyone interested and involved in this area is welcome to attend.

What is it about?
The roundtable will bring together key figures to address major topics, including what will museums and museum practioners of the future be like, and which innovations might there be in the public role of the cultural instituions in the context of audience, enterprise and public programming. This will provide an opportunity to continue the dialogue, opened by the symposium Future Forecasting: The challenges facing museums and cultural institutions (November 2011), and extended through livestreaming. Proceedings of the symposium and roundtable will be published in 2012.


10.00 Welcome: Dr Olive Braiden, Chair, National Gallery of Ireland
10.10 Welcome from the Learning Museum Network Project
Margherita Sani, Istituto Beni Culturali, Italy, LEM Project Coordinator

10.15 Key Trends in Museums of the Future
Dr Marie Bourke, National Gallery of Ireland

10.30 What will the Museum of the Future be like?
Guest Speaker: David Anderson, Director General,
National Museum Wales

11.05 Coffee Break
11.30 Innovative Public Programming of the Future
Guest Speaker: Peggy Fogelman
Frederick P. and Sandra P. Rose Chairman of Education
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

12.05 Museums as Cultural Institutions in the Context of Audience and Enterprise
Guest Speaker: Sarah Glennie, Director, Irish Film Institute
Incoming Director, Irish Museum of Modern Art

12.40 Panel Discussion
Chair: Professor Kathleen James Chakraborty,
School of Art History and Cultural Policy, University College Dublin

Marie Bourke, mbourke@ngi.ie or
Joanne Drum jdrum@ngi.ie
T: 01 663 3504/5

Held in association with: LEM/The Learning Museum Network Project www.lemproject.eu under the auspices of ICOM CECA Committee for Education and Cultural Action.

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