About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Exhibition: Archives I Presume? (2011)

Exhibition: Archives I Presume?

The State Archives of Belgium preserve a large number of archives on the colonial history of DRC and the history of mandated Rwanda and Burundi. In this exhibition, the State Archives wants to place this raw diamond into the spotlight. Based on two central themes, we see you through the records and the stories they contain.

125 years ago, in February 1885, the bilaterally recognised International Congo Society of King Leopold II made its appearance on the international scene. The new Congo state was predicted a bright future at the Berlin Conference. The way was paved for the exploitation of this marvellous piece of the African continent. A colonial economic empire was built and the so-called untouched Heart of Africa was opened up to Western science. But what were the consequences for the indigenous population?

The second part of the exhibition deals with the ambitions of the triumvirate consisting of state, church and business world to create a model colony. The Belgians turned out to be fully-fledged colonists and invested in numerous social and medical initiatives among others. But which agenda was hiding behind these investments?

The living archive / Colonial history /