Feminism / Performance / Podcast /
Podcast: Armenian Lullabies - A Journey Through Voice and Memory

Feminism / Performance / Podcast /

Social Practice / Caribbean /
Michèle Boulogne nominated for Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst’s 3Package Deal

Performance / Diaspora /
Salman Dirir: A Personal and Artistic Exploration of His Truths

Amsterdam Noord / Chile / Diaspora / Feminism / Shared Heritage / Molenwijk / Textile / Workshop /
Connection and resistance through textile at Werkplaats Molenwijk

The living archive / Contested Heritage / Palestine / Podcast /
Podcast: RIWAQ - Safeguarding Heritage in Times of Destruction

Ukraine / New media / Palestine / Politics and technology /
Looking Back At Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis

Podcast / Book Launch / Feminism / Queer / Subversive Publishing /
Podcast: Launch of Errant Journal – Embodying Resistance with Ghiwa Sayegh

Amsterdam Oost / Education /
Meet Lilian Ptáček, the new designer of the Young Maker's Studio 2025

Photography / Artist Talk / Ecology / Extractivism /
The Radioactive Afterlife of Limousin’s Landscape - Artist Talk by Susanne Kriemann

Amsterdam Noord / Education / Molenwijk /