About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Wouter Pocornie

Wouter Pocornie is an architect and urban planner from Amsterdam. During his studies, he focused on bottom-up strategies in urban planning and on design approaches, influenced by semiotics, in architecture.

Professionally, Wouter has worked for commercial practices and for the municipality of Amsterdam. Currently, he devotes most of his time to grassroots organising and building a local movement with multidisciplinary creatives in the southeastern part of the city (Bijlmer).

As a researcher, entrepreneur and designer, he prefers a contextual approach supported by critical studies and integral design strategies with a strong sense of visual languages.


Symposium: Het Gedeeld Domein

Symposium on the place of art in the city's scarce shared space, organised by Public Art Amsterdam and Stadscuratorium Amsterdam