About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Noah Littel. Photo: Simaa Al Saig

Noah Littel

Noah Littel (they/them) is PhD-candidate at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Maastricht University. They research the history of Dutch queer and feminist archival institutes, from the 1970s onwards. Littel made an exhibition based on this research, titled The Archive in Development (December 2021-May 2022), which was shown at IHLIA LGBTI Heritage and at Atria, institute on gender equality and women’s history in Amsterdam, and is now available as an online exhibition. Littel’s previous research projects have focused on Dutch radical left gay ‘flikker’ groups in the 1970s and 80s; the Dutch radical lesbian feminist group Lesbian Nation; and queer disabled social activism in the UK and the Netherlands from the 1970s onwards.


Book Presentation: Archival Textures – (Re)claiming
Using archival traces to show how queer and feminist communities in the Netherlands have (re)claimed symbols, words and stories as a means of empowerment