About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Lizzy van Leeuwen

Lizzy van Leeuwen is a cultural anthropologist who writes for the weekly journal ‘De Groene Amsterdammer‘. Her research focuses on issues such as postcolonial and migrant identity politics, and Dutch-Indo relations in the postcolonial context, while stressing the absence of meaningful debate in the Netherlands with regards to Indonesian (de)colonisation. In this light, she organised an investigative project as part of ‘Bringing history home: Postcolonial Identity Politics in the Netherlands’ (2005-2008), initiated by the Royal Dutch Academy for Sciences and the research institute NOW, eventually resulting in the book Ons Indisch Erfgoed: zestig jaar strijd om cultuur en identiteit (2008). Lizzy van Leeuwen is contributor to the book A Well Respected Man or Book of Echoes.
