Dumas Maçon
Dumas Maçon is a reporter and photographer. He is passionate about storytelling, slow journalism and public speaking.
Dumas Maçon is a member of Kolektif 2 Dimansyon (K2D), a group of Haitian journalists, photographers and filmmakers created in October 2014. He is one of the authors of the project: KAZAL, Mémoires d’un massacre sous Duvalier: Une approche photographique (2019, Port-au-Prince, Haiti) and recorded the audio testimonials of people from Kazal. The photographic research project and publication are the inspiration for the Framer Framed exhibition KAZAL – Narrating Haitian Memories and Dumas Maçon was responsible for the recording of the audio testimonials. The exhibition, curated by Nicola Lo Calzo, takes place from 27 May to 21 August 2022 at Framer Framed, Amsterdam.