About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Zwarte Canon, De Groene Amsterdammer

Bookweek Launch: Golden times, Black pages

Friday March 15 is the launch of the Dutch bookweek. This year an important theme is contrasts. The history of the Netherlands has seen great periods, but often these periods have a seamy side. It’s a history of heroism and betrayal, glorious events and disasters. On this evening three professors of the department Neerlandistiek will talk about the theme of the bookweek: Golden times, Black pages. They will talk about the ambiguity in the literature from India and South Africa in times of slavery.

Prof. dr. Ena Jansen

Prof. dr. Michiel van Kempen

Prof. dr. Pamela Pattynama

Colonial history /


Pamela Pattynama
