Reading: The black canon
Tuesday, March 19, 2013: A Reading by Chris van der Heijden about his book “Zwarte Canon, over de schaduwzijde van de geschiedenis“. The reading takes place at the BoekenArk and will start at 20.00.
Wednesday 25 April, De Groene Amsterdammer (magazine) and Academisch-cultureel centrum SPUI25 will organize an evening about some painful passages in our national history. The dark side of our history should also be written, according to writer Rudy Kousbroek. Because ‘We should figure out what’s wrong with us ourselves, instead to endure that someone else will find out. With this thought historian Chris van der Heijden plead for a black canon where we can find all the events that shape the darker side of our past.
But do shame and proud belong to historiography? Can we judge about a time when there where different norms and laws?
Chris van der Heijden (author of Grijs overladen en Dat nooit meer), Maria Grever (professor theory and methodology of history, Erasmus University) and Gert Oostindie (Director of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies) will debate about this. The evening is led by Casper Thomas.
Colonial history /