About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Jonathan Harris

Jonathan Harris

Jonathan Harris, PhD, is Professor in Global Art & Design Studies and Director of Research at Winchester Schoool of Art. He is one of the inaugural professors in the Winchester Centre for Global Futures in Art Design and Media. His main areas of research interest include American modernism, globalization, contemporary western art, and the state, politics & visual arts in the twentieth century. Harris was a panelist for the event and book launch Changing Perspectives & UNFIXED in 2012, organised in collaboration with Framer Framed and Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam – SMBA. 

He is the author and editor of numerous books and over a hundred journal essays. His most recent books being Globalisation and Contemporary Art (Blackwell 2011) and The Utopian Globalists: Artists of Worldwide Revolution 1919-2009 (Blackwell 2013). His edited collection, Picasso and the Politics of Visual Representation has also just been published by Liverpool University Press (2013), focusing on Picasso’s membership in the French Communist Party after 1944, and its significance for subsequent art and artists. With Jean Marc Poinsot, University of Rhennes, he is editor of  The International Anthology of Art Criticism, from 1950-2011 to be published on behalf of the International Association of Art Critics. Furthermore, with Rasheed Araeen he is preparing The Full Story, the sequel to Araeen’s The Other Story (1989) on the place of Asian and African artists in British art since 1945.


Book launch: Changing Perspectives & UNFIXED
Two upcoming publications give an impression of the current debate on globalisation and diversity in contemporary art.
