About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

© Teun Voeten, Calais, France September, 2015

5 May 2016 – 20:00

World premiere documentary 'Calais: Welcome to the jungle' + nagesprek


FabCity Campus in de Dome van Netwerk Democratie
Kop van het Java-eiland
1019 HC Amsterdam

Free entrance

Beeld voor Beeld, Netwerk Democratie, Ongekend Bijzonder and Framer Framed present the world premiere of the documentary Calais: Welcome to the jungle by Teun Voeten and Maaike Engels and Q&A.

War photographer and anthropologist Teun Voeten and filmmaker/videoartist Maaike Engels worked from September 2015 onwards in the jungle of Calais, the chaotic refugee camp where thousands of people are stranded, 30 kilometres before the final goal England. The slum was dismantled last February by the authorities. Calais: Welcome to the Jungle is a confronting film where refugees are not only portrayed as victims. It shows “the good, the bad and the ugly” and is critical towards the aid services, the media, refugees, authorities and the European migration politics. Cultuurpersbureau described the film as “a chilling document portraying a catastrophic clusterfuck on the English Channel, exhilarating and at times dark and hilarious at the same time”.

Migration /


Exhibition: Voices Outside the Echo Chamber

Questioning Myths, Facts and Framings of Migration, curated by Katayoun Arian