About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Ilias Zian

Ilias Zian

Ilias Zian (1988) is Museologist and studied at the Reinwardt Academie. During his studies he, also because of his background, focused on diversity in cultural institutions. Despite Amsterdam’s count of 194 nationalities, there is still a white monoculture in the cultural institutions of the city. This, while the community and so also the public has changed. As his graduation thesis, he wrote ‘Marokkanen en musea, hoe de drempel te verlagen?’ In this, he researched how best to involve Dutch Moroccan people with cultural institutions and what means to use in order to reach them. In 2012, he won the dr Steven Engelsman Grant from the Museum Volkenkunde (Leiden) and worked at the Greenbox Museum of Contemporary Art from Saudi Arabia.