VUB Crosstalks
VUB Crosstalks is a transdisciplinary and intersectoral platform for knowledge exchange between academia and society through lectures, debates, residencies, exhibitions, and networking activities. Open knowledge exchange is only valuable when space is created for different frames of reference. This plurality of voices is not only visible in the programs of the Crosstalks events, the projects are also co-designed by researchers and artists, with attention to gender balance and cultural diversity.
With their activities VUB Crosstalks aim to inspire academic researchers with unexpected encounters beyond their research domain and often in a non-academic context, students by linking the research that is happening at the VUB to broad societal challenges such as ecology, social (in)equality, and the super-diverse society and the general public with new knowledge by connecting sciences and arts. Crosstalks is a forum to meet stakeholders such as companies, citizens, policy, academia and the environment.