Over de rol van kunst in een globaliserende samenleving

Framer Framed

Photograph by Belal Hibri

Kristine Khouri

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Kristine Khouri is a researcher with a background in Arab cultural history and art history. Her interests focus on the history of art circulation, collection, exhibition, and infrastructure in the Middle East and North Africa, as well as archival practice and knowledge dissemination. Most recently, she has been focused on critical engagement with digital archives and digitised collections and issues that emerge from them, including rights, access, and language. Khouri is a member of the board of the Arab Image Foundation in Beirut.

Kristine Khouri and Rasha Salti are researchers and curators of Past Disquiet, a long-term research project that began in 2008 and was transformed into a documentary and archival exhibition that has been exhibited internationally since 2015 and are coeditors of Past Disquiet: Artists, International Solidarity, and Museums in Exile, (2018).


Expositie: Past Disquiet

Samengesteld door Kristine Khouri and Rasha Salti, deze documentaire- en archieftentoonstelling belicht een gedeelde geschiedenis van politiek geëngageerde kunstenaars en initiatieven


Rondleiding: Past Disquiet

Rondleiding door de tentoonstelling die de verbinding tussen culturele praktijk en politieke actie belicht
From Archives to Exhibition Scenography: Notes on Past Disquiet
De bijeenkomst richt zich op de geschiedenis en het ontwerp van Past Disquiet, dat sinds de eerste editie in 2015 de wereld rondreist
Opening: Past Disquiet
Opening van de tentoonstelling Past Disquiet met een inleiding door curator Rasha Salti en een optreden van het strijdliederenkoor Verzet per Couplet