1 Aug –
15 Aug 2019
Summer workshops at Werkplaats Molenwijk
On the 1st and 15th of August we will be hosting two very nice summer workshops in collaboration with the artists Benjamin Li and Gijsje Heemskerk. Together we create artworks that will be exhibited in the Molenwijk Werkplaats until the 31st of August.
Are you (a parent of) a 7 to 14-year-old? Do you want to create something with us, or take a look at this new exhibition?
Then sign up for one of our fun summer workshops on the 1st or 15th August:
On August 1st from 1:00 pm to 3:15 pm we will clay and paint during the workshop Which organism are you? with Gijsje Heemskerk.
On August 15th from 1:00 pm to 3:15 pm we will make our own menu card during the workshop Create your own menu! with Benjamin Li.
First come, first served!
Register for free at: werkplaats@framerframed.nl and let us know which workshop you want to do, your name, age and telephone number.
Check here the Facebook-event
*Werkplaats Molenwijk is an initiative of Framer Framed, supported by Stadsdeel Noord, De Alliantie and AFK.
Molenwijk /