About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Synthetic Vision/Images of Power: Truth, Evidence, Labour & Knowledge in the Age of AI

Two-day conference about AI and imaging

Artist Tour & Workshop: Breaking Waves

Artist tour end workshop by artist Clara Jo as part of her exhibition Breaking Waves during Amsterdam Art Week

Book launch: Connecting the Dots by Amsterdam Dyke March

Presentation of Connecting the Dots, a publication by Amsterdam Dyke March on queer theory

Opening: Really? Art & Knowledge in Time of Crisis

Opening of the exhibition about the commodification of knowledge and ignorance, curated by Mi You and David Garcia

In conversation with Jodi Dean, Michael Hardt and Sandro Mezzadra about student protests and Gaza

Two events organised by Critical Conversation Collective, together with the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis and Framer Framed

Creative Publication Launch: to M•Others #2

Launch of publication 'to M•Others #2' with initiator Sun Chang during Queer Open Stage