About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Photo: vo ezn

vo ezn

vo ezn — sound && infrastructure artist, working on server-side tensions and introverted interfaces ][ figuring out tools for-to knowledge-sharing / opting-out / autonomy ][ –to-for-by-with on my own terms.
brewing a monthly radio transmission — non-zero exit at radio worm.
part of feminist server collectives/networks systerserver / anarchaserver / minadoraserver ///// infrastructure caretaker at hackers & designers
[sound] ————– field recordings _ configure/reconfigure / split-splice in anti-gravity.
blood’s boiling waters [lever burns.


Full-Day Event: Low-Budget Projects: How much does it cost —?
Full-day event of Low-Budget Projects exploring how to employ financial tools for crisis resolution beyond mere credit distribution.