Thais di Marco
Thais Di Marco (she/they) is a performing arts director and project coordinator specialised in art production with 16 years of practice in performing arts and cultural politics. Thais was teacher over 6 years, of projects at Brasiliândia Cultural Center, the only theater at the neighbourhood with one of the highest rates of state genocide in Latin America. Later, she shared her research in different contexts such as Ocupa Ouvidor, the biggest cultural squat of the Americas, in the festival Les Echos de Lobozunkpá in West Africa and at the space Bongah, in Iran. Thais studied Lucha Libre at Escuela Arena México. Her first artistic education in contemporary art was within social projects led by artists thinking about how art could play a central role for democratization. In their artworks, they present provocative, sensual, engaged and humorous art.
To get to know the artist: https://linktr.ee/thaisdimarco
- VICE - Glitters en gracieus geweld tijdens een meerdaags worstelfestijn
- Bodies in Resistance - Conversation with Thais di Marco