Rik Meijers
Rik Meijers is a Dutch artist, born in 1963 in Rotterdam. He studied at the Academie van Beeldende Kunsten Maastricht (Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and Design) from 1985 to 1989 and at the Jan Van Eyck Academie in Maastricht from 1989 to 1991. Meijers is a painter who makes use of rather unorthodox materials. Besides paint, his works are made of tar, feathers, shards, beads, beans and caps of bear bottles, among other things. Meijers addresses a variety of themes in his oeuvre. Nonetheless, mysterious characters, drunkards as well as other figures and depictions from the margins of society are of recurring nature. Meijers has received multiple prices; the Koninklijke Subsidie voor Vrije Schilderkunst (Royal Award for Modern Painting) in 1996 in Amsterdam, the Wolvecampprijs in 2000 in Hengelo and the Jeanne Oostingprijs in 2012.
Rik Meijers was a participating artist in the Framer Framed group exhibition Koempels in 2014, curated by Lene ter Haar and in cooperation with Rik Meijers himself. He has also participated in exhibitions at the Bonnefantenmuseum in Maastricht, the S.M.A.K. in Gent, De Nederlandsche Bank in Amsterdam and Museum Het Domein in Sittard., among others. Moreover, his artworks are included in the collections of museums as well as of private and corporate collectors, both national and international.
He currently lives in Sittard and works in his studio in Maastricht.