Rapti Golder-Miedema
Rapti Miedema (b. 1978) worked as the Museum of Ethnology (Museum Volkenkunde) in Leiden, first as an Assistant Curator Insular Southeast Asia department, then later as a Project Co-Ordinator for their Virtual Collection of Asian Masterpieces (VCM) which was a project of the Asia Europe Museum Network (ASEMUS).
Miedema studied Languages and Cultures of Southeast Asia and Oceania at Leiden University and specialized in art and material culture of Indonesia. Her MA thesis was entitled: ‘Het Ramayana op de Balinese schilderingen in Kamasan-stijl; 18 doeken uit de Resinkcollectie nader bekeken’.
Miedema orginally joined Museum Volkenkunde in 2009 as Project Assistant for The New Museum, a cooperation between Museum Nasional in Jakarta and Museum Volkenkunde. For this project she was involved in the exhibition Sumatra Tercinta – Het geliefde eiland which was shown in Leiden, the accompanying catalogue and a book about the gold treasures of Museum Nasional. Furthermore, in 2010 she co-curated the small exhibition Doeken voor een dode vorst, with curator Francine Brinkgreve. Golder-Miedema was a guest speaker for the symposium: Contested History on the representation of the Dutch-Indonesian history in museums, in 2012, organised by Framer Framed and the East Indies Memorial Center, and in collaboration with the Reinwardt Academy.
She currently works as the Head of Heritage & Pilots at the Mondriaan Funds, an organisation that publicly funds visual art and cultural heritage in the Netherlands.