About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Peng Zhang

Peng Zhang

Peng Zhang (1990) works and lives in Amsterdam. He is a Chinese artist, working on land projects, sculptures, paintings and drawings. Zhang’s fascination with art is inspired by rural life in Shijian Cun, the village where he was born in southern China, and his current life in the Netherlands. He created the land projects 72m2 Land and Paradise Garden. Serials. He also participated as the first resident of Grasland, Elzinga in Groningen.

Zhang constructs rural worlds by visualizing the poetic and harmonious moments of daily life in his paintings and drawings. He was a resident of Rijksacademie van beeldende kunsten from 2021 to 2023. He also studied for his MFA at AKV/St. Joost School for Art and Design Academy in Den Bosch.


Finissage: The One-Straw Revolution
Finissage of the exhibition, The One-Straw Revolution, curated by iLiana Fokianaki