About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Photo: Sophie Pölzl

Nora Severios

Nora Severios‘ works oscillate between resilience and fragility. Her tendency to create works that express a delicate balance between gravity and suspension, control and taming, demonstrates her curiosity for the process-based act of creation in art.

Based in Austria, where her works are part of the Federal Artothek; Severios has been awarded the Mentoring-Program-Kunst alumni scholarship of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (2022) and the Kunsthalle Wien Prize (2021). She graduated from the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, spent a year at ASFA Athens, as well as residences in Beirut and Los Angeles.

Exhibitions include SZIPE’s parallel Exhibition, Shenzhen (2022), Handspells. Kunsthalle Wien Prize (2021), The Use of Landscape en Galeria Posibilă (2021).



Exhibition: The One-Straw Revolution

An exhibition curated by iLiana Fokianaki exploring permaculture as a methodology for exhibition-making