About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Moïse Pierre

Moïse Pierre

Moïse Pierre (1984) is a Haitian photographer, born in Bon Repos. After studying journalism, he began to work in documentary photography with a focus on urban space and the city. He works regularly for the local press.

Moïse Pierre is a member of Kolektif 2 Dimansyon (K2D), a group of Haitian journalists, photographers and filmmakers created in October 2014. He is one of the authors of the project: KAZAL, Mémoires d’un massacre sous Duvalier: Une approche photographique (2019, Port-au-Prince, Haiti). The photographic research project and publication are the inspiration for the Framer Framed exhibition KAZAL – Narrating Haitian Memories, for which Moïse Pierre is a participating artist. The exhibition, curated by Nicola Lo Calzo, takes place from 27 May to 21 August 2022 at Framer Framed, Amsterdam.


Exhibition: KAZAL – Narrating Haitian Memories

With Kolektif 2 Dimansyon & Tessa Mars