About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Mi You. Photo: Dorfmeyster I Can Wagener

Mi You

Mi You is a professor of Art and Economies at the University of Kassel/documenta Institut. Prior to joining the University of Kassel, she was a research associate in the Art and Media Studies department at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne (2014-2021). Her academic interests are in new and historical materialism, performance philosophy, as well as the history, political theory and philosophy of Eurasia.

She works with the Silk Road as a figuration for re-imagining networks, and has curated exhibitions and programs at Asian Culture Center in Gwangju, South Korea, Ulaanbaatar International Media Art Festival, Mongolia (2016), Zarya CCA, Vladivostok (2018), and the research/curatorial platform Unmapping Eurasia (2018-) with Binna Choi. Her recent exhibitions focus on socialising technologies and ‘actionable speculations’, such as Sci-(no)-Fi at the Academy of the Arts of the World, Cologne (2019) and Lonely Vectors at Singapore Art Museum (2022).

She was one of the curators of the 13th Shanghai Biennale (2020-2021). On the social front, she serves as chair of committee on Media Arts and Technology for the transnational NGO Common Action Forum.


Exhibition: Really? Art and Knowledge in Time of Crisis

Exhibition about the commodification of knowledge and ignorance, curated by Mi You and David Garcia


Opening: Really? Art & Knowledge in Time of Crisis
Opening of the exhibition about the commodification of knowledge and ignorance, curated by Mi You and David Garcia