About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Lovisa Salomonsson

How is the discourse of Framer Framed connected to your own field of interest/study or (art)practice?

I went to art school in Sweden and studied cultural studies here in the Netherlands before I started working in various fields in the country. Framer Framed has given me the opportunity to get back to my roots and work with art.

Has Framer Framed inspired you to do, look at or engage differently in certain things?

Just being around the inspiring people working for, and visiting Framer Framed has motivated me to apply for a master in Curating. Exhibitions are an amazing medium to share thoughts, feelings, cultural heritage and so on. It can have a great impact on an individual as well as a societal level. I know it is what I want to devote my life to doing. The current exhibition, On the Nature of Botanical Gardens was particularly inspiring to me. Being from Vietnam, a country that is not on the cultutal radar, I always felt like its culture would not be interesting to the rest of the world, but seeing the amazing perspective of Indonesian artists made me realise how important it is to share culture. It is a way of communicating culture to culture, so we can forge an understanding between one another. It is a way to showcase each thought with dignity and fairness and even to practice democracy culturally. Through exhibitions we can show we care.

What kind of content would you like to see online by Framer Framed during the pandemic we are experiencing in 2020?

I understand it might not be possible to do a virtual tour right now, but there are other options. I know, for example, het Rijksmuseum uploads clips of their curators working from home. They talk about works and the collection using pictures of the works. Also online lectures and presentations could be great. or even artists showing the techniques they use in creating their work.

Lovisa Salomonsson was interviewed by Redouane Amine on April 2020 to get to know Framer Framed’s volunteers better. We would like to thank them both for this lovely interview.
