Laura Burgers
Laura Burgers (1989) joined the European Centre for the Study of European Contract Law (CSECL, today known as ACT) as a PhD candidate in January 2016. The working title of her thesis is Justitia, the Peoples’ Power and Mother Earth; Boundaries of democratically legitimate judicial law-making through climate change litigation in European private law. Supervisors are professor doctor C. Mak & professor doctor M. Bartl. Laura’s PhD research is embedded in Mak’s Vidi-project Judges in Utopia – Judicial law-making in European private law.
Laura has graduated from the University of Amsterdam (Research Master in Public International Law & Bachelor of Arts in French Language and Culture). Benefiting from exchange programs, she also studied French law at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris, France) and international law at New York University (New York, United States of America). For her PhD research, she stayed some months a the University of Oslo (Oslo, Norway).
After defending her PhD thesis, Laura will stay affiliated as an assistant professor to CSECL’s successor, the Amsterdam Centre for Transformative private law (ACT). Her postdoctoral research focuses on the rights of nature. Laura is an expert within the UN Network Harmony with Nature on this topic.
- Volkskrant - Rechten voor de Waddenzee hebben wel degelijk een positieve impact, minister
- Personal website of Laura Burgers