Julia Noordegraaf
Julia Noordegraaf is Professor of Heritage and Digital Culture at the University of Amsterdam’s Faculty of Humanities. In this role, she focuses on bringing together and promoting research about the reuse and meaning of digital heritage, as well as the impact of digitization on the perception and appreciation of cultural heritage. Her future research will focus on digital source criticism (oriented towards search engines and heritage databases) and the preservation of digital art. For Framer Framed, Noordegraaf was a guest speaker for the debate Erfgoedarena: Oral history en het audiovisuele archief in 2013 at the Reinwardt Academie, Amsterdam.
She obtained a PhD from Erasmus University Rotterdam on the history of museum presentation in visual culture of the 19th and 20th centuries in 2004, and has since then remained interested in the specific challenges and manifestations of exhibiting cultural heritage. After her appointment at UvA in 2003 as director of the international, professional MA programme Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image, she shifted her research to the preservation and presentation of audiovisual and digital heritage.
She edited a book on media art preservation and exhibition (Preserving and Exhibiting Media Art: Challenges and Perspectives, AUP, 2013) and is completing a second monograph (Performing the Archive: Tracing Audiovisual Heritage in the Digital Age) in which she studies the impact of digitization on the epistemology of the audiovisual archive. She (co-)supervise(d) PhD projects on the exhibition and preservation of media art, the role of genealogy in bible texts and film, digitization and film historiography, the preservation and exhibition of film sound, and access to digital audiovisual archives.
In 2010 she worked as a Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS) in Wassenaar. She is affiliated with the Association of Moving Image Archivists, the Institute of Culture and History, the Netherlands Research School for Media Studies, the Huizinga Institute of Cultural History, the Netherlands Institute for Cultural Analysis, and the European Network for Cinema and Media Studies. At present she is a member of the Network for the Conservation of Contemporary Art Research (NeCCAR).
Noordegraaf currently coordinates the realization of the Amsterdam Time Machine and participates as Steering Committee member in the European Time Machine project that aims to build a simulator for 5,000 years of European history and that recently received Horizon 2020 funding for a Preparatory Action for a Large Scale Research Initiative.