About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Fred Mutebi

Fred Mutebi

‘I had to think about a book that was written by who it is about, and the subjects he wanted to illustrate then, which I don’t think have outdated the usefulness of what he wanted to convey.’

Fred Mutebi (b. 1967) was a participating artist in the Framer Framed group exhibition Simuda Nyuma – Forward Ever Backward Never in 2015, curated by Robinah Nansubuga and Andrea Stultiens.  Mutebi studied at the Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine Art, in Makerere, qualifying in painting and printmaking. In 2003 he was awarded the Fullbright Scholarship for a residency in Memphis, USA which Mutebi used to master his wood-cut printmaking work, including the concepts of indigenous art within his practice. With the “multi-color progressive reduction method”, Mutebi uses a vibrant array of colors to create beautiful woodcut prints that depict stories about Africa or that portray images indigenous to the African environment.


Exhibition: Simuda Nyuma - Forward Ever Backward Never

A contemporary interpretation of missing documents in an Ugandan archive of Ham Mukasa. Curated by Robinah Nansubug and Andrea Stultiens