About the part that art plays in a globalising society

Framer Framed

Eyal Weizman

Eyal Weizman is a British-Israeli architect, founder and director of Forensic Architecture and professor of Spatial and Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths, University of London, where in 2005 he founded the Centre for Research Architecture. In 2007 he set up, with Sandi Hilal and Alessandro Petti, the architectural collective DAAR in Beit Sahour/Palestine. The work Forensic architecture is documented in the exhibition and book FORENSIS (Sternberg, 2014), as well as in Forensic Architecture: Violence at the Threshold of Detectability (Zone/MIT, 2017) and in numerous exhibitions worldwide. Eyal Weizman is the author of many books, including Hollow Land (2007), The Least of all Possible Evils (2011), Investigative Aesthetics(2012), Forensic Architecture (2012) and The Roundabout Revolutions (2015). He is a member of the Technology Advisory Board of the International Criminal Court and of the Centre for Investigative Journalism


Symposium: (un)Common Grounds - Reflecting on documenta fifteen
A two-day hybrid symposium co-organised by Framer Framed, Akademie van Kunsten & Van Abbemuseum